Ohjaamo offers help and support to people for their everyday life.

Ohjaamo is under 30-years old people oriented service point offering. You can get help for job, education, money and living guidance for Ohjaamo’s on-call employees. Also if you need help finding a hobby, you can get help for youth services. You can come to Ohjaamo without booking an appoitment and any matter will be helped, taking into account the young person’s starting point. Timetable and on-call employees publish in at Instagram (at)ohjaamo_rauma and in Facebook Ohjaamo Rauma. Also we publish topical ad example at summer jobs and joint applications.

Ohjaamo Rauma is open in Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 1 p.m to 4 p.m. Ohjaamos services applies at their opening hours also in telephone and Whatsapp tel. 044 403 6250.